Pixar Animation Studios producer Darla K. Anderson will receive the Advanced Imaging Society’s Harold Lloyd Award for Filmmaking, which will be presented during the society’s annual Lumiere Awards, Feb. 12 at Warner Bros.’ Stephen J. Ross Theater.
“Darla K. Anderson has dedicated her career to creating technically and artistically stunning movies for audiences worldwide,” said Suzanne Lloyd, chair of Harold Lloyd Entertainment. “Like my grandfather, who moved global audiences with heart and humor, Darla has also shown a steadfast commitment to powerful storytelling, as Coco so clearly demonstrates.”
Since joining Pixar in 1993, Anderson produced Toy Story 3, which won an Oscar for best animated feature, as well as Cars, A Bug’s Life and Monsters, Inc. Her latest, the Dia de los Muertos-themed Coco, was a critical and financial success, at press time having grossed $626 million at the worldwide box office.
Past recipients of the Harold Lloyd award include James Cameron, Ang Lee, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Victoria Alonso. The Lumiere Awards honors creative and technical achievement in motion pictures and TV, as well as virtual and augmented reality.
Source: Hollywood Reporter